Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stranger in the night

                                                      Part I

She was cold...she was wet....she stood still under the street lights...its been one hour she had been waiting to get a rick to get home...the cell battery had run out...
The darkness of the streets crawled under her skin....she shivered...she knew she should have asked her Boss to drop her home...but the "new city" still had not taken away the "hesitation"...she thought she could manage her way back...
She started walking...down the was getting late...suddenly there was a flash of light...a thunder somewhere...she blinked....screeching tyres...and suddenly everything was silent...she opened her eyes..there was smoke...though the rain lashed around...she could hear her loud heartbeats thudding in her ears...
She saw the car that crashed to the light pole ahead...the engine sound still hummed in the stormy night....she slowly walked around to the driver's side....the wipers moved rapidly on the the darkness she couldnt see anything inside...she tried opening the didnt budge...
She tucked few of the loose strands of her wet hair behind....and looked around...the lane was silent...the lone watchmen  at the nearby building was nowhere to seen in the rains....she thought to call 911 from a nearby pay phone...if available....but then turned back on a second last try...and she tugged with her might at the door handle....strangely it opened....
a dark form...a man......his head on the steering....a scream rose in her dry throat....was he dead....
Slowly she raised her hand and tried to shake him...he didnt move....she couldnt make out his face in the dark...she could only see he was alone in the car...."hello...can you hear me..."....she finally voiced her thudding heartbeats....."are you all right? " "hello....can you hear me....".
Unsure...totally drenched...she stepped back a little...maybe she can walk little ahead..and get some one around the corner of the next street...she had just turned...when suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist....with a start she turned back...he stirred....his head was still down....but he had reached out...and held her wrist....a cold sensation....he was cold...more than her...a shiver went down her spines.....and then a deep voice....."can you please wait...".....and he lifted his head slowly.....
Lightning thundered hard....the rain lashed the world around....

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